Boys Katy Perry Has Dated!

OMG I married katy in june 2014 on the 6th and here we have her with 3 other men while I was in England the 5th of June was our 3rd anniversary call me old fashioned but we are divorced on the 7th of June 2017 she also told me she only had 2 previous boyfriends this says 13!!!! Well katy has not corrected it so me her second husband has been left with half her soul attached to mine and katy sold her half to the Devil so this part is a spare prick at a wedding I don't want the irritating bloody possession so 'she can take it back, she can take it back some day' #SOON filthy slut I hate her no wonder she avoids me if she does not come and get it I will manifest it into the pit of burning sulpher. ARE YOU GOING TO STAND BY AND ACCEPT IT DON'T FORGET THE AGREEMENT WAS I WOULD TAKE YOU AS #GODSWIFE IF WE HAD THE EXCLUSIVE ON THE KATY PERRY NAME MR AND MRS PERRY,


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